Grumpy Grandpa (X02)
This project uses the Microphone to detect clapping noises and turns on or off the LED if it senses two claps with a second pause inbetween.
This project was designed for the second generation mCookie Maker kits (102 Basic, 202 Advanced and 302 Expert kits).
Required Materials
- 1 x mCookie Core
- 1 x mCookie USB TTL (102 Kit) or 1 x mBattery (202/302 Kit)
- 1 x mCookie Sensor Hub
- 1 x Crash Sensor
- 1 x Microphone Sensor
- 1 x Buzzer
- 3 x Sensor Cable
- 1 x MicroUSB Cable
NOTE: When connecting sensor wires, push on the plastic connector and not on the wires. Pushing on the wire can damage them.
- Connect the Crash Sensor to the Sensor Hub on Pin 4/5
- Connect the Buzzer to the Sensor Hub on Pin 6/7
- Connect the Microphone to the Sensor Hub on Pin A0/A1
- Grab the mCookie USBTTL or mBattery and Stack the mCookie Core on top.
- Stack the mCookie Sensor on top of that.
- Plug in the MicroUSB cable to the mCookie USBTTL or mBattery to a computer.
1. Connect mCookie Core to the PC with the USB Cable. Open the Microduino IDE.
2. Copy and paste the code below and upload.
3. Select the board, processor and port:
- Go to Tools > Board and select Microduino/mCookie-Core (328p)
- Go to Tools > Processor and select Atmega328P16M,5V
- Go to Tools > Port and select the available port
4. Upload the program by clicking on the right arrow icon on the top left of the window. Or under Sketch > Upload.
- Open the Serial monitor. Information will print out when the first clap is detected as "First clap detected!".
- Then a value will print out which is the silent value. If it is under the threshold, "Silence detected!" will print.
- "Second clap detected!" will print if it detected a second clap.
Variables can be edited to change the threshold / detection value for various functions to better fine tune to your environment.
DEBUG will enable debugging mode. Which outputs information to the Serial Port.
MIC_MIN is the minimum value from the Microphone that will anger Grandpa.
- Adjustable between 0 ~ 1023
- Default is 200
NOISE_TIME is the time in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds) where minimum noise level is maintained which will anger Grandpa.
- Default is 200
Cause enough noise (MIC_MIN) for a time period (NOISE_TIME) and this will anger Grandpa. Grandpa will start yelling (making noise with the Buzzer).