Getting started: mDesigner for Windows

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Revision as of 21:57, 23 October 2018 by Sonny (talk | contribs) (Installation)
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The guide below is a software setup guide for mDesigner (v1.6) under the Windows platform aimed for use with Itty Bitty Buggy.


Download the latest mDesigner (v1.6) (for Windows): HERE

MDesigner Download.png


Step 1:

Open the downloaded file from the link above. You'll be asked administrator privileges.
Select if you want to create a desktop shortcut or not for mDesigner. Click Next.

MDesigner v1.6 InstallGuide For Windows 01.png

Step 2:
  • The next screen will prompt you to start the installation. Click Install to begin installing mDesigner.

MDesigner v1.6 InstallGuide For Windows 02.png

Step 3:

The installer will begin installing files into C:\Program Files (x86)\mDesigner.

MDesigner v1.6 InstallGuide For Windows 03.png

Step 4:

Wait for the file coping progress to complete.

MDesigner v1.6 InstallGuide For Windows 04.png

Step 5:

A new window will pop up to inform that mDesigner has completed installing. Click Finish to launch mDesigner.

MDesigner v1.6 InstallGuide For Windows 08.png

Step 6:

mDesigner will start loading.

MDesigner v1.6 InstallGuide For Windows 09.png

Step 7:

mDesigner will complete loading and will be ready to use.

MDesigner v1.6 InstallGuide For Windows 10.png