Sensor-Color LED

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Microduino-Color led

The product number of Sensor-Color LED is: MSDL11

Sensor-Color LED is full color LED, adopting single serial cascade protocol.

Only one I/O port can control the RGB color of each LED on the line.

If the power supply supports, it can support the cascade of as many as 1024 LEDs.

Introduction of Sensor Pin

Sensor backpin.png

Color LED
General Pin Out Sensor / Trinket's Pin Out
PIN3 (SIGNAL-A) Digital Output (One-wire communication)
PIN4 (SIGNAL-B) Not Connected
  • General Pin Out is the standard pin out of a Sensor / Trinket connector.
  • Sensor / Trinket's Pin Out is this specific Sensor / Trinket's wiring in relation to the General Pin Out.
  • SIGNAL-A / SIGNAL-B are signals that could be digital input, digital output, analog input or analog output. Or special signals such as serial communication (SoftwareSerial, IIC (I2C), etc) or other special signals.
  • Not Connected refers to the Pin not being used for this particular Sensor / Trinket.
  • Read more about the hub module.


  • With small size which is easy to install;
  • Adopts single serial cascade protocol, which makes it cascadable;
  • Only one I/O port can control the RGB color of each LED on the line;
  • Can achieve 256-grade (1600W) toning of RGB, and the scanning frequency is not less then 400Hz/s


  • Sensor voltage
    • 5V working voltage
  • Size of the sensor
    • Size of the board: 23.5mm*13mm
    • 1.27mm-spacing 4Pin interface connected with sensorhub
    • CAD drawing of the sensor: File:Sensor
  • Function description
    • Adopts WS2812 lampwick
    • Adopts single serial cascade protocol, which makes it cascadable
    • Only one I/O port can control the RGB color of each LED on the line
    • Can achieve 256-grade (1600W) toning or RGB, and the scanning frequency is not less then 400Hz/s
    • When the updating speed is 30 frame/s, the cascading number is no less than 1024
  • Connection
    • This sensor can be connected to the following interfaces of the core: D2~D13,A0~A7
    • Multiple sensors cascade: Connect the (OUT) of the former Sensor-Color LED to the (IN) of the latter Sensor-Color LED.



Basic Functionality

The ColorLED is a trinket which emits different colors based on the set red, green, and blue values. A Core module can control the ColorLED to output the desired colors.

Note: ColorLEDs can be connected together in a daisy chain fashion, and each ColorLED can be addressed individually using the index number. First ColorLED being 0, second ColorLED being 1, etc.



The ColorLED is used as an output pin. The Adafruit_NeoPixel library (Read more) is used to control the ColorLED.

Key Functions

  • Required Libraries: Adafruit_NeoPixel
  • Key Functions:
    • ___.begin() - initializes the ColorLED object
    • ___.setPixelColor(colorled_index, red_value, green_value, blue_value) - configures the color value for that colorled index.
      • colorled_index - is the index of the ColorLED to configure, first in the chain is 0, second is 1, etc
      • red_value - red value to set, between 0 (off) and 255 (maximum on)
      • green_value - green value to set, between 0 (off) and 255 (maximum on)
      • blue_value - blue value to set, between 0 (off) and 255 (maximum on)

    • tone(pin_number, frequency) - starts generating a frequency signal on the pin, will not stop until noTone(pin_number) is called (Read more)
      • pin_number - is the pin number that the trinket is connected to
      • frequency - a frequency value to generate on the pin
    • noTone(pin_number) - stops generating a frequency on the pin (Read more)
      • pin_number - is the pin number that the trinket is connected to
    • tone(pin_number, frequency, duration) - generates a frequency signal on the pin for a set amount of time (Read more)
      • pin_number - is the pin number that the trinket is connected to
      • frequency - a frequency value to generate on the pin
      • duration - the duration in milliseconds to generate the frequency signal


This is a simple example which:

  • Starts the Buzzer at a 440hz frequency.
  • Waits 1 second.
  • Turns off the Buzzer.
  • Wait 1 second.
  • Runs the Buzzer at a 294hz frequency for 2 seconds
  • Waits 5 seconds.

Note: Important lines of code are highlighted.

//Define the pin the buzzer is connected to
const int BUZZER_PIN = 6;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  //Initial serial communication port at 9600 baud

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  //Start the Buzzer with a 440hz frequency
  tone(BUZZER_PIN, 440);
  //Wait 1 second
  //Turn off the Buzzer

  //Wait 1 second

  //Run the Buzzer with a 294hz frequency for 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
  tone(BUZZER_PIN, 294, 2000);

  //Wait 5 seconds

Copy and paste the code above to the Arduino IDE or

Download the above example: n/a

Program Download


  • Follow the Software Getting Started Guide.
  • Select the Board, Processor and Port.
  • Click [File]->[Open], browse to the project program address, and click "Microduino_Sensor-Color_LED_Test.ino" to open the program.
  • After confirming all these items are correct, click "→" to download the program to the development board.

Hardware Setup

  • Referring to the following diagram, connect the Sensor-Color LED to the digital port D6 of Microduino-Sensorhub.

Microduino-sensorhub Shake.JPG


  • After download, observe the LED strip..
  • LED flashes in red and green successively with the interval of 1s.


  • LED full color light source




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