- Compatible with the pin of Arduino Uno.
- Wide-voltage DC power input (8 ~ 35V) supportable.
- The 2.45mm (0.1 inch) pin pitch offers the base for Microduino modules and pins with the same name are connected to the base, making it easy for debugging;
- Uniform Microduino interface standard and rich peripheral modules make it easy to connect with other modules and sensors meeting Microduino interface standard.
- Wide voltage DC power input (8 ~ 35V input) supportable;
- 5V and 3.3V regulated power;
- LED indicator connected to D13 digit I/O port and lightened up with high electrical level;
- Onboard reset button;
- With serial port(RX1, TX1), I2C(SCL, SDA), power(5V, 3.3V)and ground pin added;
- Onboard ICSP pin;
- Two Microduino UPIN27 bases interconnected to the board.
Eagle PCB File:Microduino-UNO.zip
Main Components
Microduino-Uno is capable of having a fast and flexible connection and extension with other modules and sensors in accord with Microduino interface standard.
You can download the program that Microduino provides to test the LED connected to D13 I/O port:
- Prepared Hardware:Microduino FT232R, Microduino Core and Microduino UNO;
- Prepared Software:Microduino provides testing program(Arduino part)and Arduino IDE(version 1.0 and higher);
- Open Arduino IDE's Blink test program, choose the board "Microduino Core (Atmega328P@16M,5V)" and download directly. After finishing download,you can see the onboard LED flashes one time per second;