Lesson 41--Microduino Dc Motor Rotation Control

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This tutorial will teach you use a simple way to achieve the forward and backward rotation of a dc motor.




Note:This isn't one of the most safe method to control the motor, because each I/O pin only can carry 40mA current. If as a practical application, recommend using H-Bridge motor driver board.


int motorPin1 =  5;    // Motor's one end connects to digital pin 5
int motorPin2 =  6;    // The other end connects to digital pin 6

void setup()   {                
  //Initialization, set these two pins as output
  pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);  

void loop()                     
  rotateLeft(150, 500);//Left rotate, speed=150, lasts 500ms
  rotateRight(50, 1000);//Right rotate, speed=50, lasts 1000ms
  rotateRight(150, 1000);//Right rotate, speed=150, lasts 1000ms
  rotateRight(200, 1000);//Right rotate, speed=200, lasts 1000ms
  rotateLeft(255, 500);//Left rotate, speed=255, lasts 500ms
  rotateRight(10, 1500);//Right rotate, speed=10, lasts 1500ms

//Turn left
void rotateLeft(int speedOfRotate, int length){
  analogWrite(motorPin1, speedOfRotate); //Use pwm to set the current
  digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);    // Set motorPin2 to LOW
  delay(length); //waits
  digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);    // Set motorPin1 to LOW
//Trun right
void rotateRight(int speedOfRotate, int length){
  analogWrite(motorPin2, speedOfRotate); //Use pwm to set the current
  digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);    // Set motorPin1 to LOW
  delay(length); //waits
  digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);    // Set motorPin2 to LOW

//Full speed turn left
void rotateLeftFull(int length){
  digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH); //Set max current
  digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);    // Set motorPin2 to LOW
  delay(length); //waits
  digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);    // Set motorPin1 to LOW
//Full speed turn right
void rotateRightFull(int length){
  digitalWrite(motorPin2, HIGH); //Set max current
  digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);    // Set motorPin1 to LOW
  delay(length); //waits
  digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);    // Set motorPin2 to LOW


Step 1:Copy the code to IDE and compile it

Step 2:Set up circuit, as follows:


Step 3:Run program

Step 4:Check the rotation of motor


Motor will rotate forward and backward with different speed and in circle.

