Microduino MPU6050 calculate angle(Microduino 10dof)

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This tutorial will teach you how to use Microduino-10 dof module which has the MPU6050 sensors and can be used to calculate the x, y, and z axis angle, and display the value via OLED.



  • Microduino-OLED
  • Microduino-Core
  • Microduino-10DOF
  • Microduino-FT232R
  • Microduino-Cube-S1


Refer to MPU6050AngleOLED https://github.com/Microduino/Microduino_Tutorials/tree/master/Microduino_Sensor/MPU6050AngleOLED

There are many ways to calculate the angle by MPU6050. The corresponding algorithm is different, two types complex and simple, the result is different too, accurate and inaccurate. You can find several methods to calculate in internet, such as:

  • 1:Kalman filter to calculate the angle, this algorithm is very complex, but the resutl is very accurate.
  • 2:DMP(Digital Motion Processing) to calculate the angle, using the quaternion and the algorithm is simple, but the result isn't better than kalman filter.
  • 3:Using acceleration integral arithmetic to calculate the angle, algorithm is the most simple, the result is coarser.

This program will use the third method to calculate the angle. You also can try the DMP and kalman by yourself.


Step 1:Stack all the module, as follows:


Step 2:Compile the program and download.

Step 3:Swing module and watching the number on OLED


Module rotates on three axis, and OLED displays the x, y, z axis angle change.

