Light Led
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Contents[hide]ObjectiveThis tutorial will teach you how to use the Processing to light LED. Equipment
SchematicProgram Note:Don't drop the picture in program DebutStep 1:Set up hardware system, as follows: Step 2:Explain the code: // Declaring two variable of type PImage, a class available to us from the Processing core library. PImage LEDON, LEDOFF; //load two img LEDON = loadImage("LEDON.png"); LEDOFF = loadImage("LEDOFF.png"); Mouse movement will light the LED which was realized in LEDButtonByOver. Mouse over: // When the mouse is moved, the state of the button is toggled. void mouseMoved() { if (mouseX > x && mouseX < x+w && mouseY > y && mouseY < y+h) { button = true; } else { button = false; } } Mouse click will light the LED which was realized in LEDButtonByClick. Mouse Click: // When the mouse is pressed, the state of the button is toggled. void mousePressed() { if (mouseX > x && mouseX < x+w && mouseY > y && mouseY < y+h) { button = !button; } } Step 3:Compile the code and download it.
ResultMouse move on the LED, it will light, and trun off when leave it. Processing'S animation effects: Video |