Lesson 33--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Longitudinal Move Display

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The last experiment finished moving a image to right, this lesson will move an image to left dynamically on 16*16 lattice.



LM-2256 Series 16 *16 matrix displays:File:.led 16 16.zip


  • Small, the size is 40.46*40.46*5mm;
  • Using 2mm round LED;
  • LED lattice screen on a black background, very beautiful;


  • Every 8 columns as a moving unit, moving 16 steps.
  • In 0 ~ 8 moving step, the right part move to right, at the same time still need to put on the left side's data.
  • In 8 ~ 16 moving step, put the right graphics code to the left directly and then move to left.


  • Prepared Work
  • Step 1: Download the test program, unzip and open it;
  • Step 2: Compile it and settle the board type to download;
  • Step 3: Change the Chinese character or image
    • Change font

Detailed information,please refer to: http://www.microduino.cc/wiki/index.php?title=%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E8%AF%BE--Microduino_OLED%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8

Note: modulus method changed to: determinant, Yang code, reverse.

    • Change dynamic display timer

In loop() function, the second for() loop uses to control display timer for every image, large number with large timer.


Through testing, the right move speed of Chinese character is about half a second for one step. Players can modify the display images and time according to his own interest.

Pay attention issue

  • The difference between left shift and right shift;
  • When change the font, need set the modulus format correctly.
