Sound Detection Sensor

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Sound detection sensor can detect sound intensity but cannot recognize the specified sound.
Inside the sensor, there is sound sensitive electret-condenser microphone. Acoustic wave triggers vibration of the thin electret film and causes capacitance change, generating subtle voltage. The voltage is converted to 0-5v, which can be recognized and received by mCookie-CoreUSB.


  • Electrical specification
    • Operation voltage: 3V~5V
    • Input Device
  • Tech parameters
    • Voltage: 0~5V(100Hz~4000Hz)
    • Sound intensity: 45~120dB
    • Accuracy:±1%
  • Size
    • Size of the sensor: 5mm*5mm
    • Size of the board: 20mm*20mm
  • 1.27mm-pith 4PIN interface;
  • Connection method
    • Output: 0~5V analog signal
    • Pin Description: GND, VCC, signal output and NC(Empty). The output signal is simulated, thus, it needs analog interface to detect(A0-A7). You can connect it to A6,A2,A0 of the Hub.



Module Number Function
mCookie-CoreUSB 1 Core board
mCookie-Hub 1 Sensor pin board
Microduino-Sound 1 Sound detection sensor
  • Other Hardware Equipment
    • One USB cable


  • Setup 1: Connect Microduino-Sound and the A0 analog port of the Hub together. That analog port A0 is the pin of detecting sound. Users can change that according to personal needs.
  • Setup 2: Stack the CoreUSB, Hub and Sound modules to the computer with a USB cable.

Experiment: To Detect Sound Intensity

  • Open Arduino IDE and copy the following code into the IDE.
#define mic_pin A0

int sensorValue;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  pinMode(mic_pin, INPUT);

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  sensorValue = analogRead(mic_pin);
  // print out the value you read:
  delay(100);        // delay in between reads for stability
  • Choose the right port from Tools→Serial Port in Arduino IDE after compiling.
  • Upload the program directly.
  • After the upload, you can open the serial monitor. The displayed value reflects the current sound intensity.

Program Debugging

  • "#define mic_pin A0" defines the pin of controlling LED; A0 means Microduino A0 pin, which can connect to A6, A2, A0.
  • Adopt "analogRead(mic_pin)" to read sound values.
