Open Source Smart Eggs Demo System

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  • Project:Open Source Smart Eggs System
  • Objective:Collect the temperature and humidity data of every points of the egg.
  • Difficulty:High grade
  • Time-consuming:2 hours
  • Maker:
  • Introduction:

In this tutorial, we will use Microduino product module to build eggs temperature measuring system. This system is to gather the content of every points in the egg through temperature sensor, at the same time, send the data to mobile phone, and real-time produce temperature representation diagram.


Bill of Material

  • Microduino Equipment
Module Number Function
Microduino-Core+ 1 Core board
Microduino-USBTTL 1 Program download
Microduino-BM(with shield) 1 Power management
Microduino-Sensorhub 1 Sensor module
Microduino-BT 1 To aisplay
Microduino-10DOF 1 Attitude acquisition module
Microduino-LM75 1 Temperature and humidity acquisition module
  • Other Equipment
Module Number Function
Micro-USB cable 1 program download, and power supply
Wooden case 1 The appearance and fixation

Principle of the Experiment

The smart eggs system is mainly composed of two big parts. The data acquisition part is composed of 8 LM75 temperature sensor and a 10DOFmodule, real-time gather temperature of several points on the egg and the egg’s position and state, then link with the mobile phone through the procession of the core Core+ of the Bluetooth module Microduino-BT and send data to the mobile phone relay, then send to our cloud server mCotton, and then you canview temperature representation diagram and the egg’s attitude representation diagram through webpage.

  • The Main Sensors

Microduino-LM75 Microduino-Module Motion


The code of the egg:【Egg demo system code

The code of the egg Github:SmartEgg

Debug Process

Overlay Microduino-Core+ and Microduino-USBTTL together, and upload the completed program to Microduino-Core+ through Microduino-USBTTL with USB cable. Note:Please upload programs before stacking all module together.

Open Arduino IDE programming software, click [File]->[Open], and select Microduino_Audio_ble\ SmartEgg.ino after opening the card speaker folder.


Click "√", and program. Click [Tool], and choose the right board + processor + port. Click "→", and upload.



  • Step1: When assembling, first confirm whether the shell materials are complete.
  • Step2: Then fix Cube-S1 baseboard onto the baseboard, just as the picture shows.
  • Step3:Then splice Core+, BM, BT, and 10DOF(no up and down order), and insert them into the baseboard of Cube-S1. Connect the lithium battery in the interface of the module BM.
  • Step4: Fix the sensor and the wooden chip fixed with the sensor with screws, as shown in the picture.
  • Step5: Connect the Sensorhub floor with two pins according to the way as shown in the picture, and change all interfaces into IIC interface. Then insert the 8 LM75 sensors into Sensorhub. Because all interfaces are IIC interface, so there is no difference in position, and just insert all the 8 sensors. After this step, put Sensorhub singly aside.
  • Step6: Use two pieces of side column board to champ the three ring board to form support structure, as shown in the following picture.
  • Step7:Stuff the Sensorhub inserted with sensor into the egg structure from the crack in the side, then continue to use lateral brace plank pose the outline of the egg.
  • Step8: Then insert sensor into the slot in the side columns respectively, and fix every sensors with fixed wooden bolt, and you can decide the position according to your needs. You should strive to collect uniform position, so it is easier to get reasonable data.
  • Step9: Finally, insert the annular fixed wood at the top and bottom, to fix all jamb.

Now, the egg part assembly is finished.

MCotton Setting

Enter Click Sign in/Join at the top right corner, then click Create account at the bottom right corner in the drop-down list to create your own account.


Input Email as your username and password, then click Create. After registration, it will automatically enter the login status. If not login, you should click Sign in at the top right corner to input username (email)and password to login in. After login, click Projects at the top left corner.


At this time it will display a number of labels on this page. Find out Smart Egg label, and click Made It to enter the next page.


Fill out your project name and project description here. You should keep the highlighted part in the picture in mind, and it is suggested to copy and save in a TXT. Then click √Save.


Then enter myDevice page, you’ll see there appears a project named as XXX (the name you just set). Then click Details to enter a detail page.


Click the blue icon on the right to Data to enter the page of data observation in the next page.


If connect successfully, the egg data graph will be displayed on the right side, and the left part is option setting part.


Mobile Relay

Click the mobile phone APP to enter the following interface


The picture will show the existing project information, and the Connected is the communicating state between the mobile phone and mCotton, and the following true/false is the link state between the egg and the mobile phone Bluetooth. Then click the Start button at the top right corner to enter the next step, at this time click the button at the top right corner, and choose Add Device.


Input the name and program ID which is recorded in the mCotton step, then click the CONNECT button at the top right corner.


Now the setting of the mobile phone relay part is completed. All steps have been completed. Watch that whether the state of the phone relay part is Connect,true or not. If it is, you can begin to observe web pages to observation data.

Operating Instruction

Program Description

#include <Wire.h> 
#include <I2Cdev.h> 
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> 
#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h" 
#include <lm75.h> 
SoftwareSerial bleSerial(4, 5); 
TempI2C_LM75 termo[8] = {TempI2C_LM75(0x48, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits), 
                         TempI2C_LM75(0x49, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits), 
                         TempI2C_LM75(0x4A, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits), 
                         TempI2C_LM75(0x4B, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits), 
                         TempI2C_LM75(0x4C, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits), 
                         TempI2C_LM75(0x4D, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits), 
                         TempI2C_LM75(0x4E, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits), 
                         TempI2C_LM75(0x4F, TempI2C_LM75::nine_bits) 
Quaternion q; 
MPU6050 mpu; 
uint8_t mpuIntStatus; 
uint16_t packetSize; 
uint16_t fifoCount; 
uint8_t fifoBuffer[64]; // FIFO memory buffer. 
float buff1[10];        //Send data cache. 
unsigned long time_mpu, time_tem; 
uint8_t devStatus; 
//To obtain a quaternion. 
void dmpGetQuaternion() 
    mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus(); 
    fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount(); 
    if((mpuIntStatus & 0x10) || fifoCount == 1024) 
    else if(mpuIntStatus & 0x02) 
        while (fifoCount < packetSize) fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount(); 
        mpu.getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, packetSize); 
        fifoCount -= packetSize; 
        mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer); 
        //      mpu.resetFIFO(); 
void setup() 
    Serial.println("Testing device connections..."); 
    Serial.println(mpu.testConnection() ? "MPU6050 connection successful" : "MPU6050 connection failed"); 
    Serial.println(F("Initializing DMP...")); 
    devStatus = mpu.dmpInitialize(); 
    if(devStatus == 0) 
        Serial.println(F("Enabling DMP...")); 
        mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus(); 
        packetSize = mpu.dmpGetFIFOPacketSize(); 
            Serial.print(F("DMP Initialization failed (code ")); 
void loop() 
    if(millis() > time_mpu + 1000) 
        time_mpu = millis(); 
        buff1[0] = q.w; 
        buff1[1] = q.x; 
        buff1[2] = q.y; 
        buff1[3] = q.z; 
        sendData(0xAA, 16, (uint8_t *)buff1); 
    if(millis() > time_tem + 5000) 
        time_tem = millis(); 
        for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
            buff1[i] = termo[i].getTemp(); 
        Serial.println(" "); 
        sendData(0xBB, 32, (uint8_t *)buff1); 
void sendData(uint8_t cmd, int _num, uint8_t *_buf) 
    uint8_t sendBuf[40]; 
    sendBuf[0] = 0xAA; 
    sendBuf[1] = 0xBB; 
    sendBuf[2] = cmd; 
    if(_num > 0) 
        memcpy(sendBuf + 3, _buf, _num); 
    sendBuf[_num+3] = 0x0d; 
    sendBuf[_num+4] = 0x0a; 
    bleSerial.write(sendBuf, _num + 5); 
